Investment coaching
Our Coaches are qualified financial planners who can help with your investment goals. All for no charge.
The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.
Why coaching?
Here are just some of the ways we could help you:
Goal planning
If you’re new to investing, we can talk through your goals and plan how you might achieve them.
Professional expertise
Experienced investors can benefit from our Coaches’ expert knowledge on what’s happening in the markets.
Big decisions
If you’re simply looking for reassurance that you’re on the right track, why not run your ideas past a Coach?
Investment strategy
Your Coach can run you through some key questions on whether your investment strategy is aligned to your investment goals and how to make sure you’re set up for success.

Planning your retirement?
Maybe you’re wondering about investing with a SIPP? Or perhaps you have a number of different workplace pensions? We can help you explore your options and draw up a plan for life after work.

Thinking about your ISA allowance?
Many people get into investing through Stocks & Shares ISAs. But are you making the most of your allowance? And are your investments meeting your objective? Book a free coaching session and we’ll help you take stock.

Want your money to work harder?
We’ll be happy to talk you through the investment landscape, analyse your attitude to risk and see what products or investments may be suitable for you. We can also examine whether you’re investing as tax-efficiently as possible.
Meet our Coaches
All our Coaches are qualified financial planners.

Gareth O’Reilly
I really enjoy being able to coach clients with different backgrounds and personal stories. Helping others at different stages of life achieve financial goals and reduce any worries is hugely rewarding.

Joshua Herbert
I find it very fulfilling seeing clients, with a range of backgrounds, take control of their financial future and be able to help them reach their financial goals.

Harry Persad
I enjoy helping clients to focus on what matters to them and effecting a plan that can bring them closer to achieving their financial goals. Whether you are someone who is keen to learn investing principles, or someone gearing up for retirement wanting to understand pension accessibility rules, there is always something you can learn. If I can help you make financial decisions with confidence then you should be able to spend more time enjoying the other things that matter in life!

Alicja Lejszo
Being a financial coach is truly rewarding and it is a great opportunity to educate clients and guide them through a financial maze. In my role as a coach, I always keep in mind that behind every investment are someone’s dreams, goals, and hopes for the future. I believe that we can work together to help you realise where you are and where you want to be. Let’s bring your future to the present, so you can do something about it now!

Lydia Ellis
Deciding how to invest for your future can be challenging. Your coaching session is tailored to you and your circumstances and It is my aim to help you put plans in place to reach your financial goals and give you the tools to make informed investment decisions.
Frequently asked questions
What is a Coach?
Our Coaches are all qualified financial planners who are trained to give you general guidance to help with your investing. This may include information about different types of investments or principles for you to follow.
What qualifications do our Coaches have?
All our Coaches are level 4 Diploma qualified and hold either a CII or LIBF Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning.
What should I bring to my Coaching session?
To make sure your coaching session is as effective as possible, please bring details of any investments you may already have. This includes everything from workplace pensions to ISAs, SIPPs and investment accounts.