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Shareholder voting

If you own shares in a company, you also have voting rights that enable you to participate in important company decisions made at their various meetings. When you invest in shares on Bestinvest, and other online platforms, these are typically held on a nominee account on behalf of the underlying shareholder. However, if instructed, we can facilitate shareholder voting on behalf of customers.

The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Frequently asked questions

Whether attending in person or submitting your vote by proxy via Bestinvest, taking part in this process enables you to have direct impact on how companies operate.

You should contact Bestinvest via our usual channels (phone, email or webchat) at least one business day prior to any deadline. These are set out in shareholder Circulars for requisitioned meetings that are announced via the London Stock Exchange’s Regulatory News Service (available here), as well as in sections within Annual and Interim Reports & Financial Statements giving notice of shareholder meetings and resolutions. Once we have received your voting instruction, we will then pass your vote over to our proxy voting provider.

In the same way as above, except we will submit an attendance request on your behalf instead of an instruction to cast your vote.

  • Ordinary General
  • Extraordinary General
  • Annual General
  • Court
  • Class
  • Special
  • Other

This process is no different from any of the resolutions that are noted on the form. Shareholder resolutions are generally not backed or promoted by the board as they will typically involve the governance of the company or matters such as remuneration or environmental issues.

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